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Free Random Audio of Creole Lesson Episodes:

Storytelling: 2 Haitian Tales - 2 Kont Ayisyen

Haitian Foods - Manje Ayisyen

Thanksgiving Meals Audio

Free Sample Download of Haitian Creole CD

Introduction to Haitian Creole

Questions and Greetings in Creole - How are you? Kijan ou ye?

Haitian Creole Expressions

Audio for Body Parts in Creole

Popular Haitian Creole Expressions: Sa-k Pase? N-ap Boule….etc.

Listen to Creole audio

Listen to Kids’ Kreyol - Koute Kreyol pou Timoun

Review of Creole Nasal and Non-nasal Vowels

The Clothes We Wear:

New Year’s Eve Celebrations - Reveyon

Basic Creole Grammar Rules:

How do you say… Creole? Kouman nou di…. an Kreyol?

Spanish / Creole Lessons: Del Creole al Espanol

El Bicentenario de Mexico - Bisantne Meksiko

El habito de mascar goma en los Estados Unidos

Escuchen el Creole Haitiano Gratis - Listen to Haitian Creole for free

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Monday, May 18, 2020

AnnPaleKreyol Audio Lessons Links: From Lesson 1 to Lesson...10 in English and Spanish

  • Lesson #1

  • Brief Review of Pronunciation of Haitian Creole Vowels and Consonants

  • Free Random Audio of Creole Lesson Episodes:

    Storytelling: 2 Haitian Tales - 2 Kont Ayisyen

    Haitian Foods - Manje Ayisyen

    Thanksgiving Meals Audio

    Free Sample Download of Haitian Creole CD

    Introduction to Haitian Creole

    Questions and Greetings in Creole - How are you? Kijan ou ye?

    Haitian Creole Expressions

    Audio for Body Parts in Creole

    Popular Haitian Creole Expressions: Sa-k Pase? N-ap Boule….etc.

    Listen to Creole audio

    Listen to Kids’ Kreyol - Koute Kreyol pou Timoun

    Review of Creole Nasal and Non-nasal Vowels

    The Clothes We Wear:

    New Year’s Eve Celebrations - Reveyon

    Basic Creole Grammar Rules:

    How do you say… Creole? Kouman nou di…. an Kreyol?

    Spanish / Creole Lessons: Del Creole al Espanol

    El Bicentenario de Mexico - Bisantne Meksiko

    El habito de mascar goma en los Estados Unidos

    Escuchen el Creole Haitiano Gratis - Listen to Haitian Creole for free

    Friday, July 25, 2014

    Jean Boger Laferriere's New Bestselling Book "Alphabetical Haitian Creole Dictionary..."

    Learn Haitian Creole.  Find texts and vocabulary.

    Author Jean Boger Laferriere has just released a brand new book which will help you find all the words you need to know. It's a lexicon/dictionary.

    [caption id="attachment_373" align="aligncenter" width="231"]Find HC vocabulary and explanations of expressions and words Find HC vocabulary and explanations of expressions and words[/caption]

    Purchase a print copy from Lulu right on this link

    Purchase a PDF copy of Jean Boger Laferriere's book for much less

    Book Review

    Purchase a copy of "Alphabetical Haitian Creole Dictionary" from Barnes and Noble now.

    [caption id="attachment_375" align="aligncenter" width="198"]Jean Boger Laferriere's new bestselling book on Haitian Creole/English Dictionary Jean Boger Laferriere's new bestselling book on Haitian Creole/English Dictionary[/caption]

    This bestselling Alphabetical Haitian Creole Dictionary was composed and prepared by Haitian American linguist Jean Boger Laferrière who started studying at Sorbonne University in Paris, France. He completed his higher studies at Anglia Ruskin University and Open University.

    Jean Boger continues to write about Haitian culture and languages while residing in New York City. In using this lexicon, he wants you to remember that there are some letters that Haitian Creole does not have. For example, X and Q are added to the above list of letters in order to give you their corresponding English version of the words.

    Enjoy this small book that can help you learn Haitian Creole, one of the most beautiful, phonetic, and colorful languages of the world.

    Here is a copy of the Haitian alphabet which was officially published in 1979: a (ah), an (an), b (be), ch (se ach), d (de), e (e), è (è), en (en), f (èf), g (je), h (ach), I (i), j (ji), k (ka), l (èl), m (èm), n (èn), ng (èn j), O (o), On (on), Ou (ou), Oun (oun), P (pe), R (èr), S (ès), T (te), Ui (yi), V (ve), W (doubleve), Y (igrèg), Z (zèd)

    Saturday, May 10, 2014

    Thursday, December 20, 2012

    Listen to Free Direct Creole Audio Downloads, Get Free Creole Lessons Online

    Free Random Audio of Creole Lesson Episodes:

    Storytelling: 2 Haitian Tales - 2 Kont Ayisyen

    Haitian Foods - Manje Ayisyen

    Thanksgiving Meals Audio

    Free Sample Download of Haitian Creole CD

    Introduction to Haitian Creole

    Questions and Greetings in Creole - How are you? Kijan ou ye?

    Haitian Creole Expressions

    Audio for Body Parts in Creole

    Popular Haitian Creole Expressions: Sa-k Pase? N-ap Boule….etc.

    Listen to Creole audio

    Listen to Kids’ Kreyol - Koute Kreyol pou Timoun

    Review of Creole Nasal and Non-nasal Vowels

    The Clothes We Wear:

    New Year’s Eve Celebrations - Reveyon

    Basic Creole Grammar Rules:

    How do you say… Creole? Kouman nou di…. an Kreyol?

    Spanish / Creole Lessons: Del Creole al Espanol

    El Bicentenario de Mexico - Bisantne Meksiko

    El habito de mascar goma en los Estados Unidos

    Escuchen el Creole Haitiano Gratis - Listen to Haitian Creole for free

    List of Free Direct Downloads of Haitian Creole Episodes

    Welcome to Haitian Creole in no Time Podcast Intro

    Listen to Lesson #1: Greetings

    Listen to Lesson #2: Bilingual questions 3 languages

    Listen to Lesson #3: Creole episodes

    Listen to Lesson #4

    Listen to lesson #5

    Listen to Lesson #6: Body parts

    Listen to additional Lesson #6: Sa-k Pase? N-ap Boule

    Listen to Lesson #7: Popular and Useful Creole/English Expressions

    Listen to Dodo Tipitit, Popular Haitian lullaby

    Listen to Lesson #8: News, Nouvel, Noticias

    Listen to Lesson #9: Kreyol Pou Timoun Audio Sample

    Listen to Lesson #10: Review of nasal and non-nasal vowels

    Listen to Lesson #11: Creole Lesson for President and First Lady

    Listen to Lesson / Leccion #12 - Creol en Espanol Gratis: Que Tal? Sa-k Pase…..

    Listen to Lesson / Leccion #13 - Extracto Gratuito del Manual ‘Que Tal? - Sa-k Pase?

    Listen to Lesson / Leccion #14 - Kreyol por Espanol

    Listen to Lesson #15: Additional List of Haitian Creole expressions, phrases, and greetings

    Listen to Lesson / Leccion #15 - Kreyol por Espanol, Del Creole al Espanol

    Listen to Lesson #16 - Seasonal Clothes We Wear…

    Listen to Lesson #16 - Popular Haitian Children’s Songs and Church Hymns

    Listen to Lesson / leccion #17: Creole por Espanol - to like, to love, renmen, querer, gustar

    Listen to Lesson #18: Listen to a sample of Acappella Songs of Hope

    Listen to Lesson #19: Listen to Creole Verbs and Tense Markers

    Lesson #20: Sing / Chante / Canten con nosotros - Debout Sainte Cohorte..

    Listen to Lesson #21: Faith Builds Haitian Resilience - Sing / Chante / Canten con nosotros - Chantons du Sauveur

    Listen to Lesson #22: Free Downloads of ‘Ann Pale Yon Ti Kreyol - Let’s Speak a Little Creole’

    Listen to Lesson / Leccion #23 - Listen to ‘El Bicentenario de Mexico - Bisantne

    Listen to Lesson #23 - Sing / Chante / Canten con nosotros - Ne Crains Rien, Je t’aime…

    Listen to Lesson #24 - Listen to the free sample of ‘Sa-k Pase? N-ap Boule Textbook, pages 7-12

    Listen to Lesson #25 - Sing / Chante / Canten con nosotros - Quelle Assurance Je suis sauve..

    Listen to Lesson #26 - Listen to free Downloads of ‘Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference’ Textbook

    Listen to Lesson #27 - Listen to ‘Tools and Supplies Vocabulary’

    Listen to Lesson #28 - Listen to ‘Free Haitian Creole Download of Foods, Spices, and Fruit etc

    Listen to Lesson #29 - Listen to ‘New Year’s Eve / Alavey Nouvel Ane..

    Listen to Lesson #30 - Listen to Review of Basic Creole Grammar Rules, Pronunciation…

    Listen to Lesson #31 - How Do You Say … in Creole: Haitian Holiday Celebrations

    Listen to Lesson / Leccion #32 - Kreyol por Espanol - El Habito de Mascar Goma - Koutim Manje Chiklet…

    Listen to Lesson #33 - Listen to Word Market Carnival…

    Listen to Lesson #34 - Listen to Haitian Creole CD

    Listen to #35 -Listen to Krik! Krak! Haitian Tales / Kont Ayisyen

    Listen to Lesson / Leccion #36 - Como Criar a un Bebe… en Creole

    Listen to Lesson #37 - Vwala Se Te Yon Fwa / Once Upon a Time…Haitian Tales / Kont Ayisyen

    Listen to Lesson #38 - Free excerpts of ‘Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference’

    Listen to Lesson #39 - Free Excerpts of ‘Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference’ Dialogue Pages 180-186

    Listen to Lesson #40 - Listen to story ‘The Godfather’s Mercy - Parenn, Pran Pitye…

    Listen to Lesson / Leccion #41 - Lista Gratuita de Verbos y Expresiones de Creole

    Listen to Lesson #42 - Free excerpt of ‘Sa-k Pase? N-ap Boule Textbook’ - Chapter 1

    Listen to Lesson #43 - Free excerpt of ‘Sa-k Pase? N-ap Boule Textbook’ - Chapter 2

    Listen to Lesson #44 - Free Excerpt of ‘Sa-k Pase? N-ap Boule Textbook’ - Chapter 3

    Sunday, December 16, 2012

    Hablemos el Creole Haitiano con "Alo! Hola! Hello!..."

    Purchase a copy of "Alo! Hola! Hello!: Los Verbos y Las Palabras Para Aprender El Creole Haitiano from Amazon Kindle

    Download the paperback and PDF versions of the book now

    “Alo! - Hola! - Hello!: Los Verbos y Las Palabras Para Aprender El Creole Haitiano” Este libro fue escrto en Espaňol e Inglés para los que quieren aprender el Creole Haitiano. Fue preparado por Sr. Joseph J. Charles, escritor de “Learn Haitian Creole in one Week – Aprendan el Creole Haitiano Dentro de una Semana… y “¿Que Tal? - Sak Pase? / N-ap Boule! - Bien! What's Up? / We Are Doing Well!

    Alo! Hola! Hello! Los Verbos y las Palabras Para Aprender el Creole Haitiano

    Alo, Hola, Hello: Los Verbos y las Palabras Para Aprender el Creole Haitiano You can find additional resources at;;; and

    Saturday, November 10, 2012

    Aprendan el Creole Haitiano Sin Lagrimas: Escuchen Solamente

    Por favor rellene este formulario y firme como padre o guardian – Please complete this form and sign as parent or guardian – Silvouplè (souple, tanprisouple) konplete fòmilè sa-a epi siyen tankou paran oswa gadyen (responsab)

    ¿Cómo supo de nosotros? ¿Quién le refirió? – How did you hear about us? Who referred you? – Kòman ou fè konnen nou la? / Ki moun ki rekòmande nou? / Ki moun ki voye ou?

    Favor de identificar al amigo, escuela, iglesia, organización o templo de vodu – Please identify the friend, school, church, organization or voodoo temple – Silvouplè idantifye zanmi, lekòl, legliz, òganizasyon ak onfò

    Información acerca de su hijo/a (Para ser completado por el padre o tutor) – Information about your child (To be completed by parent or guardian) – Enfòmasyon sou pitit ou (Se paran oswa gadyen timoun you ki pou konplete fòm sa-a)

    Nombre del niño: Primer Nombre, Segundo nombre, Apellido – Child’s name: First name, Middle name, Last name – Non timoun nan: Premye non, Non ki nan mitan, Siyati timoun nan

    Fecha de nacimiento del niño: Sexo Masculino / femenino – Child’s date of birth: Child’s gender: Male / female – Dat de nesans timoun nan: Tigason oswa tifi

    Dirección; Ciudad; Estado; Teléfono de casa; Código postal; origen étnico – Address; City; State; House telephone; Postal code; ethnic backgrounds – Adrès; vil; eta; telefòn kay la; zòn postal; gwoup etnik timoun nan

    Nombre del padre / guardian: Estado Civil; Casado; Soltero; Divorciado; Separado; Viudo – Name of parent / guardian: Marital status: Married; Single; Divorced; Separated; widowed – Non paran an / gadyen/responsab: Eta sivil: Marye, selibatè; divòse; separe; mari oswa madanm mouri (vef)

    Ingresos del hogar / el número de miembros en el hogar – Household income / Number of members in the household – Konbyen kòb fanmi an fè / Konbyen moun k-ap viv nan kay la

    El niño vive con (Comprobar si es el mismo que arriba): Nombre: Primer nombre; Segundo nombre; Apellido; Dirección; Número del teléfono; número de cellular – Child lives with (Check if same as above): Name: First name: Middle name; Last name; address; home phone ........

    Buy this lesson here: Compren esta leccion aqui: Achte leson sa-a isitla

    Historia Médica – Medical History – Istwa swen santé ¿Está su hijo bajo el cuidado de un médico ahora? – Is your child under a physician’s care now? – Eske pitit ou a gen yon doktè?

    ¿Su hijo ha estado hospitalizado? – Has your child been hospitalized? – Eske pitit ou a te entène? ¿Ha tenido su hijo una operación importante? – Has your child had a major operation? – Eske pitit ou a te fè yon operasyon?

    ¿Su hijo ha tenido una lesion grave del cuello o de la cabeza? – Has your child had a serious neck or head injury? – Eske pitit ou a te frappe kou-l ak tèt li?

    ¿Está tomando su hijo medicamentos, pastillas o drogas? – Is your child taking any medications, pills or drugs? – Eske pitit ou a ap pran medikaman, grenn oswa dwòg?

    ¿Hay algo más que deberíamos saber sobre la salud de su hijo? Díganos por favor – Is there anything else we should know about the health of your child? Tell us please – Eske gen lòt bagay nou sipoze konnen sou santé pitit ou a? Di nou souple.

    ¿Es su hijo alérgico a algunos de los siguientes: Aspirina; Penicilina; codeine; acrílico; metal; latex; anestesias locales? – Is your child allergic to any of the following: Aspirin; Penicillin;

    Get this lesson here: Compren esta leccion aqui: Achte leson sa-a isitla

    Saturday, October 6, 2012

    Let's Speak Haitian Creole without Tears

    "Ann Pale Kreyòl ak Anglè san Dlo Nan Je – Let’s Speak Haitian Creole and English without Tears" is written to simplify the teaching and learning of Haitian Creole and English. This book / ebook will provide you with ready-to-use expressions and phrases in both languages. It will get you familiar with the structures and phraseology of both Haitian Creole and English. Those who want to vacation in Haiti and the United States will find context-based dialogues and conversations. Short-term missionaries, vacationers, and volunteers will enjoy the tools and supplies section of the book.

    You can purchase a copy of this ebook right on this page on KDP now

    Friday, September 28, 2012

    How Captain Katastwof Natirel Smuggled Bouki and Malis into Miami, Florida: The New Adventures of Bouki and Malis

    "Bouki and Malis Turned Boat People - Bouki ak Malis Pran Kanntè"

    Authors, Charles J. Desmangles and Kevin Levin, have done a great job writing this novella in Haitian Creole, Spanish, and English. Bouki and Malis Turned Boat People:Bouki ak Malis Pran Kanntè. It is based on the plasticity and richness of the Haitian folklore. Two of the most recognizable characters of Haitian folktales play a central role in this story.

    Purchase a PDF Copy of "Bouki and Malis Turned Boat People...."

    In this novella, the authors show Bouki's desperation and push factors contributing to his agreement with a sleek, sophisticated local criminal and people smuggler / trafficker known as 'Captain Katastwòf Natirèl.' Bouki was deep in debts because he wanted to maintain a lifestyle he could not afford on the meager catches of a fisherman. Caught and deported several times by U.S. Border and Coast Guard, Captain Katastwòf Natirèl (Captain Natural Catastrophe) was on a black list. Bouki thought he was smart enough to pull this trip on his own. He refused to be known as the butt of his brother's jokes, a simpleton, a fool. He did not want Malis, his intellectual brother, to know about the details of that trip. All the while, Malis never hesitated to put him down and make him realize that he needed his expertise, language skills, and critical thinking.

    Charles J. Desmangles and Kevin Levin interweave elements of the Haitian culture in this remarkable Haitian Creole, Spanish, English novella. Things must have been really harsh in Haiti if these two famous characters of the Haitian folklore finally decide to leave the country on a perilous raft to cross illegally to the U.S. shores. When faced with an upcoming storm, Captain Katastwòf Natirèl led his crew to Santiago, Cuba to seek temporary refuge. He forced everybody to learn Spanish in order to pass for Cuban refugees. Will Booki, Malis and Captain Katastwòf Natirèl make it to the dry grounds of Florida?

    This story is set against the backdrop of Haiti's devastated agriculture, political upheavals, insecurity, presence of UN troops or Minustah, series of natural disasters such as hurricanes and 2010 earthquake, barren lands and tree-less mountaintops causing widspread floodings, destroyed ecology, infrastructures and educational institutions with a local population that depends more and more on imported goods and used clothes euphemistically known as 'pèpè.'

    In this novella, the authors also implicate and relate the complicity of the catholic church whose priest, Father Francois, refuses to use Haitian Creole and French in his mass in his dogged efforts to cater to a dwindling but rich and powerful group of Latin language enthusiasts, les Bourgeois Commercants Mulattres (native Haitians of Syrian, Lebanese and.. descent). He did not heed Professor Malis' advice to start leading mass in Creole just like the Voodoo priests and protestant churches do all over the country with great success. What's worse is that Father Francois never said a word or raisee his stubby pinky finger against the clandestine smuggling and chaperoning of Haitian children who took these rickety boats to get reunited with their parents in Miami. Sister Marie Lafontant made her money chaperoning children and paid the priest under the table without counting her generous tithes to the church.

    "Bouki and Malis Turned Boat People - Bouki ak Malis Pran Kanntè" is a book that will make you laugh and cry in the same sentence or paragraph. This book should be a required reading for anybody who wants to understand Haiti and the 'Boat People' phenomenon. Definitely, it should be required reading for any NGO, tourist, international workers in Haiti. It should be a required reading for any sociology students. This novella is edited by Prof. Joseph J. Charles

    Now you can find out whether Bouki shows any signs of intelligence here:

    "Excerpt from "Bouki and Malis Turned Boat People.."

    “They said that I am supposed to pass the shark test too,” Bouki said to Malis.

    “What are you talking about?” Malis asked.

    “I was told that it is a test developed by the American authorities to separate Cubans from Haitians. They say that sharks like Haitians’ blood and flesh. They eat Haitian migrants whose boats capsize in high seas between Haiti and Bahamas. “

    “Come on, Bouki, think straight. Respect yourself. It looks like you are losing your consciousness, you are coming in and out of consciousness. It appears that the waves of the sea and the crossing made you lose your mind. Americans are not like that! Where can they find these sharks?”

    “Malis, I am not crazy. You always think I am crazy!”

    “Crazy people hold this kind of talk!”

    “I am a fisherman, but I am afraid of sharks. Their teeth are like saws.”

    “Hello Bouki, you are no longer on the ocean now. You are on firm U.S. soil!”

    Spanish, English, and Haitain Creole&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Spanish, English and Haitian Creole

    Professor Orosco and Malis continued to teach Spanish lessons. Malis had a lot of problems teaching the illiterate group. They were supposed to memorize a lot of lessons. It was the only way to teach them.

    “¿Que edad tiene ud.? – Ki laj ou genyen?” (“How old are you?”) Malis taught the group. He asked them to repeat after him.

    “Tengo 34 años de edad. – M gen 34 an.” (I am 34 years old.)

    “¿Cúantos niños tiene ud.? – Konbyen timoun ou genyen?” (“How many children do you have?”)

    “¿Es casado/a?” – Eske ou marye?” (“Are you married?”

    “Wi. M marye. - Si soy casado.” (“Yes, I am married”)

    “¿Es soltero/a?” – Ou selibatè? Ou pa marye?” (“Are you single?”)

    “¿Porqué quiere entrar a los Estados Unidos de América? - Poukisa ou vle antre Ozetazini?” (“Why do you want to go to the U.S.A?”)

    “¡Libertad y trabajo! – Libète ak travay.” (“Freedom and work!”)

    “Somos los agentes de la patrulla Fronteriza Americana – Nou se ajan patwouy ameriken.” (“We are the U.S. Border Patrol agents”)

    “Si nou tande ekspresyon sa-a nan bouch ajan ki sou bato ameriken yo, sa vle di yo kenbe nou. Yo ka pimpe nou an Ayiti,” Pwofesè Orosco anseye. “Sa vle di m pral an Ayiti avèk nou si yo dekouvri nou se Ayisyen. Nou sipoze di nou se Kiben ki pale panyòl.” (“If you hear this expression from the mouths of the U.S. agents, that means they caught us. They can send us back to Haiti,” taught Professor Orosco. “That means I am going to Haiti with you if they find out that we are Haitians. You are supposed to say you are all Spanish-speaking Cubans.”)

    “¡Somos cubanos! – Se Kiben nou ye! Se Kiben nou ye!” (“We are Cubans!”).

    End of excerpt

    (Permission obtained from the authors of this novella. No reproduction without permission.)

    Sunday, April 22, 2012

    Learn/Listen to Haitian Creole MP3 Dialogues, Phrases, Words + Audio Expressions, Sayings for Everyone Everywhere - Aprann/Koute Dyalòg MP3, Fraz, Pwovèb, Mo + Odyo Ekspresyon Kreyòl Pou Tout Moun Toupatou

    Book Review: "Learn/Listen to Haitian Creole MP3 Dialogues, Phrases, Words + Audio Expressions, Sayings for Everyone Everywhere - Aprann/Koute Dyalòg MP3, Fraz, Pwovèb, Mo + Odyo Ekspresyon Kreyòl Pou Tout Moun..." is a podcast-compatible ( series of MP3 dialogues, phrases, words, and audio expressions whose focus is to get you to speak and understand Haitian Creole in a short time. The lessons are designed to get you out of your comfort zone and place you into various Haitian locales where you will most likely hear and practice the language. Each lesson is designed to help you build your vocabulary and increase your cultural knowledge. If you like "Learn Haitian Creole in One Week..." and other similar titles, you will like this ebook too. Go to to get the accompanying audio or MP3 files.

    Purchase "Haitian Creole MP3 Dialogues, Phrases, Words + Audio Expressions, Sayings for Everybody Everywhere..." now from

    Purchase a copy of "Learn/Listen to Haitian Creole MP3 Dialogues, Phrases, Words + Audio Expressions, Sayings for Everyone Everywhere...." from Smashwords now

    Purchase a copy of "Learn/Listen to Haitian Creole MP3 Dialogues, Phrases, Words + Audio Expressions, Sayings for Everyone Everywhere...." from AmazonKindle for your Kindle now

    Purchase a copy of "Learn/Listen to Haitian Creole MP3 Dialogues, Phrases, Words + Audio Expressions, Sayings for Everyone Everywhere.... from Barnes and Noble for your Nook now

    Thursday, March 22, 2012

    Quakes! Tsunamis! Where Were You? Ki Kote Nou Te Ye? Donde Estuvieron? Haitian, Chilean, and New Zealand Children's Prayers for Japanese Children

    Book Review

    Purchase this book right on this page

    "Earthquakes & Tsunamis: Where Were You? Ki Kote Nou Te Ye?....Haitian Children Quake Survivors' Prayers for Japanese Children is a children's and Young Adult (YA) book. Where Were You? Ki Kote Nou Te Ye? Dónde Estuvieron? Earthquakes, Tsunami Stories, and Prayers from Chilean, Haitian, and New Zealand Children to Japanese Children is a children's and young adult book that allows children who survive natural disasters to tell their stories and talk about their fears and hope for a better tomorrow. In Where Were You? Ki Kote Nou Te Ye? Dónde Estuvieron?, Haitian children who survived a 35-second quake talk about their chain of events and send payers and comfort to Japanese children who went through a 5-minute quake, dvastating inland tsunami, and fear of nuclear radiation. Visit or or to find additional Haitian Creole resources."

    Purchasing Links:

    Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

    Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

    Purchase this new title, "Earthquakes and Tsunamis: Where Were You?....Haitian, Chilean, and New Zealand Children Send Prayers to Japanese Children" at Kindle Direct Publishing on

    Thursday, February 2, 2012

    Listen to and Learn Haitian Creole Online Free

    Book sample and audio files provided by author/producer for free

    Listen to the "...Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Ref. audio" right here if the above audio is unavailable

    Get the first 6 chapters of "The Definitive Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference Audio" for FREE.You can always purchase the CD that accompanies this book below.

    Sign up for a DropBox account to be able to listen to this audio for free!

    Learn Haitian Creole on your phone or laptop now / Aprendan el Criollo Haitiano con su telefono o su computadora ahora. You can get a free Dropbox app for your iphone, iPad, Android, and Blackberry smartphone. So look for the right app in the Appstore.

    You can listen to all three audio versions/all 14 chapters of the book by purchasing your access now. A link will be emailed to you so you can listen to the book on or a DropBox app on your phone or iPad. Make sure you sign up for a free account.

    Producer's Creole Audio Prime: Get a recurring monthly subscription of private Romance Languages / Haitian Creole Audio Posts on Sign up at PayPal with your email address so we can add you. After receiving your payment, we will add your email so you can get the selected creole audio lesson posts

    Producer's Creole Audio Prime

    Purchase a copy of "Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference" (Textbook only) from AmazonKindle now as a Kindle ebook.

    Purchase a copy of "Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference (Textbook only) from Barnes and Noble as a Nook Book.

    Purchase a copy of "The Definitive Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference" from right here

    Purchase the accompanying CDs for this book: Listen to the audiobook in your car

    Disc ID: 6069

    Disc Name: Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Audiobook Part 2- Purchase CD to Listen to Chapters 1-11 from “The Definitive Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference” Audiobook Buy Now From CCNow



    Disc ID: 6068

    Disc Name: The Definitive Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Audiobook: Purchase CD to Listen to Chapters 12-14 from “The Definitive Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference” Audiobook Buy Now From CCNow



    Wednesday, January 18, 2012

    Learn Haitian Creole CDs: Listen to "Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference" Audiobook Now

    Purchase a copy of "Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference" (Textbook only) from AmazonKindle now as a Kindle ebook.

    Purchase a copy of "Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference (Textbook only) from Barnes and Noble as a Nook Book.

    Purchase a copy of "The Definitive Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference" from right here

    Purchase the accompanying CDs for this book: Listen to the audiobook in your car

    Disc ID: 6069

    Disc Name: Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Audiobook Part 2- Purchase CD to Listen to Chapters 1-11 from “The Definitive Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference” Audiobook Buy Now From CCNow



    Disc ID: 6068

    Disc Name: The Definitive Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Audiobook: Purchase CD to Listen to Chapters 12-14 from “The Definitive Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference” Audiobook Buy Now From CCNow



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    Monday, December 26, 2011

    Oprah Winfrey's Mobile Studios in Oprah's Next Chapter in Haiti and Be Like Brit Orphanage in Haiti

    Get a copy of "Go Ye Into The Whole World: Oprah's Next Chapter in Haiti" from Amazon Kindle now

    Book Review:

    "Go Ye Into The Whole World: Oprah’s Next Chapter in Haiti" is a compilation of stories about the missionary and humanitarian travels of celebrities and ordinary people who want to make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate. For example, Sean Penn, Oprah Winfrey, Kim Kardashian, Miley Cyrus etc have been to Haiti. It is also the story of 14 professors and students from Lynn University based in Boca Raton, Florida. Under the auspices of Food for the Poor, they got to Haiti one day before the life-altering quake of Jan. 12, 2010. "Go Ye Into The Whole World: Oprah's Next Chapter in Haiti" is also about Oprah's efforts to reboot her broadcasting career and keep Haiti's rebuilding in the spotlight. It is about the former talk show queen's visit to Sean Penn's camp. Oprah wants to empower and encourage those who are making a difference in the world..... With her mobile studio, Oprah will bring the world to us right in our living room!

    Get a copy of this amazing ebook "The Gengels in Haiti: Go Ye Into The Whole World, Glad Tidings to All" from Amazon Kindle right now.

    Read the story and head to to contribute to this heartwarming, memory-honoring cause.

    Brief Review of the Evangelism /Missionary Work / Reach out Story

    "The Gengels in Haiti: Go Ye Into The Whole World, Glad Tidings to All" is the story of love, sacrifice, dedication, destruction and redemption. It is also the story of a fortunate young woman who decided to reach out to the less fortunate. Britney Gengel, a Lynn University student, decided to be part of a group of missionaries to Haiti. They arrived 1 day before the Jan.12, 2010 quake that killed more than 300,000 people. Talking to her parents, she wrote, ""They love us so much and everyone is so happy," she wrote. "They love what they have and they work so hard to get nowhere, yet they are all so appreciative. I want to move here and start an orphanage myself." Hotel Montana collapsed on her. Her body was retrieved on Valentine's Day. Broken and saddened by the death of their beloved daughter, the Grengels decided to turn her last wish and dream into reality. Friends, family members and sympathizers have contributed enough funds to start the construction of a state-of-the-art orphanage in Grand-Goave, Haiti. Why this specific site? Find out more about how she responded to the calling and how even in death she is encouraging others while blessing many residents she will never meet.

    Tell others about this great opportunity to contribute to Haiti's rebuilding. The Gengels and friends count on your continued support as they embark on this journey to make a difference in the lives of Haitian children whom her late daughter loved so dearly.